MV/FIT Movement Fitness


Read the latest news in fitness, personal training and nutrition from MV/FIT.

How to return to the gym after having children
How to return to the gym after having children

We feel so strongly about promoting the benefits of exercise for women before, during and after pregnancy. In fact, we are so passionate about promoting the benefits of exercise for everyone in general full stop.

18 Jul 2024

Netflix and Stretch
Netflix and Stretch

One of the best ways to integrate stretching into your life is by simply stacking it on top of another habit. So in this example, every time you log onto Netflix, try and spend just a few minutes following some or all of the below stretches to improve your mobility and relax your muscles to have a great night’s sleep.

03 Jul 2024

Staying injury free & how to progress your training optimally - Part three
Staying injury free & how to progress your training optimally - Part three

Category 3 - Over-trained or under-recovered When you are over-trained or under-recovered, the most important thing to say to yourself is: "Let's explore what my body can do today."

20 Jun 2024

Staying injury free & how to progress your training optimally - Part two
Staying injury free & how to progress your training optimally - Part two

Now all of the previous blog could go out of the window when it comes to load management for individuals who are currently injured.

06 Jun 2024

Staying injury free & how to progress your training optimally - Part one
Staying injury free & how to progress your training optimally - Part one

The secret sauce behind staying injury free & how to progress your training optimally. Part one of a three piece set of blogs.

23 May 2024

Load Management - An Overview
Load Management - An Overview

So how do you calculate training load? When we talk about training load, volume is a key part of this. Intensity is the other part. Volume Volume is the measurement of total weight lifted.

09 May 2024

How to achieve your first chin up - Part 2
How to achieve your first chin up - Part 2

In part 2 of my ‘how to achieve your first chin up’ blog, I am going to dive into some other important factors in order to help you make progress towards your first chin up.

22 Apr 2024

How to achieve your first chin up
How to achieve your first chin up

Common amongst many gym goers and non-gym goers is the goal of being able to perform a chin up. And for good reason. It is one of the most effective yet challenging strength exercises out there.

04 Apr 2024

How to maintain your results over Easter?
How to maintain your results over Easter?

Spring has finally sprung and Easter is just around the corner. So from a training and nutrition standpoint, we often get asked, "How do I maintain my momentum and results over Easter?"

19 Mar 2024

Take your training to the next level with effective sets
Take your training to the next level with effective sets

For those of you who have been training with us for at least a year, you might have heard us in the gym talk to you about 'percentage spread' or 'effective sets'.

29 Feb 2024

Going faster for your next Hyrox
Going faster for your next Hyrox

If you’re aiming to complete a faster Hyrox time this year, then read on - this one is for you!

27 Feb 2024

The Benefits of High Rep Training
The Benefits of High Rep Training

We recently started a new training phase in our flagship Small Group Personal Training programme here at MV / FIT. The first 4-week block of this new phase starts with a concentrated block of higher repetitions (reps) and lighter weights. Alex's Coaches Corner is going to go into detail about why we are utilising such high reps and lighter weights.

26 Jul 2023

Enhancing Results: 3 Concepts to go Next Level
Enhancing Results: 3 Concepts to go Next Level

My Coaches Corner today is all about creating a smoother, frictionless path to enhancing your results.

05 Jul 2023

Fast track your recovery from major surgery
Fast track your recovery from major surgery

Have you recently had surgery or do you know someone that has had or is about to have surgery? Then continue to read this blog to find out ways in which you can fast track your recovery so that you can get back to what you love to do.

21 May 2023

The hidden benefits of training at MV / FIT
The hidden benefits of training at MV / FIT

There are many obvious benefits of training with us that come in the form of data from improved physical health for our members. These improvements for our members can include but are not limited to: increased strength, reductions in body fat, increased bone density, higher levels of muscle mass and generally feeling much fitter and more resilient than before they started training with us.

01 Feb 2023

It all starts with a good night's sleep
It all starts with a good night's sleep

Your nutrition, wellness and overall health are essential tenets in both how far and how fast you will accelerate towards your fitness goals. This is why we take a 360 degree approach and really focus on the whole picture when it comes to working with you and achieving your goals.

24 Nov 2022

The Benefits of Strength Training for All
The Benefits of Strength Training for All

The power of strength training is truly phenomenal. No, this is not just a Personal Trainers hyperbole. This is both scientific and real world results and data from years of research and in-person coaching. Strength training - commonly referred to as resistance training - has a whole host of benefits which are simply not talked about enough in society and in the mainstream media.

13 Oct 2022

Three Reasons Why You Should Do Our Next Nutrition Accelerator
Three Reasons Why You Should Do Our Next Nutrition Accelerator

Are you fed up with following the latest fad diet and not making the results that you so desperately want? Or are you someone who is training lots and just can't seem to put the nutrition puzzle together? If so, then here's why I think the Nutrition Accelerator would be the perfect fit for you.

01 Sep 2022

Optimising your training around the menstrual cycle
Optimising your training around the menstrual cycle

As part of my research for this blog, I found credible sources in the media advising women to "avoid weights around their period" and that women should "only partake in light exercise such as yoga" during this time. To me, this is crazy advice!

19 Jul 2022

The Truth About The 800 Calorie Diet
The Truth About The 800 Calorie Diet

The jury is out on 800 calorie diets and it is not good news for the highly popular and mass marketed diet. In this "truth about", I will dive into the detail about what an 800 calorie diet is and hopefully shed some light on the dangers of reducing your calories this low.

04 May 2022

Three reasons why strength training is beneficial for women during the menopause
Three reasons why strength training is beneficial for women during the menopause

Is Strength Training beneficial for menopausal women? In short, the answer is a resounding, "yes, absolutely!"

07 Apr 2022

3 Simple Health Swaps That Could Change Your Life
3 Simple Health Swaps That Could Change Your Life

Coach Alex's three simple swaps that could make a real difference to your health and change your life.

02 Mar 2022

5 Reasons Why You Should Record A Food Diary
5 Reasons Why You Should Record A Food Diary

There are many benefits of writing a food diary, read on for Coach Alex's top 5 reasons why you should record a food diary.

02 Feb 2022

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