MV/FIT Movement Fitness

Real People - Real Results

Over the years we have trained hundreds of clients and in our experience every client has a different goal - it's personal.  The size of your goal doesn't matter - if it means something to you then it means something to us! 

We've decided to let our client's stories speak for themselves - so look at the photos below or click on the videos to hear how we've helped them achieve their goals, fall in love with exercise and get in their best shape!

Remember - as coaches what really makes us happy is when someone achieves something they didn't think would be possible!

Iain has successfully managed to rehabilitate his knee

Iain has had an incredible journey since he started training with us in terms of his overall strength improvement, fitness gained and knee rehabilitation. 

Iain has successfully managed to rehabilitate his knee which he had major surgery on before he started training with us. This has meant he has been able to go back to windsurfing pain free and enjoy life to the fullest.

He is the strongest and fittest version of himself - achieving multiple personal bests on our strength and performance challenges (highlights include a dumbbell bench press with +25kg dumbbells, +65kg barbell bench press, 25kg 1-arm row, 250m and 1km bike and ski erg medals - silver and gold standard achievements on all of them).  

Iain has managed to reduce his body fat and increase his muscle mass to optimal levels.

Phil (OPG) loves to train hard and push others

Phil Gough (nicknamed Original Phil Gough to avoid confusion with MV/FIT's Phil Gough), has progressed greatly since he started training with us in terms of his overall strength, fitness and improved body composition. He is the strongest and fittest version of himself - smashing multiple bests in our challenges. Highlights include a one arm 25kg dumbbell row and squatting his bodyweight. 

He has improved his body composition along with his knowledge and habits around nutrition with the help of our 6-Week Challenge. Phil has well and truly become a key part of the MV/FIT gym community and we love having him as part of it.

Phil has reduced his body fat by 6kg (4% body fat) and maintain his muscle mass.

Jess - running further and faster than ever before

Jess has made some incredible progress with us over the last 10 years. She is now the strongest and fittest version of herself, smashing multiple personal bests including deadlifting over 100kg for reps (especially impressive for someone who weighs half of that!). 

Jess has now taken part in two Hyrox events and currently has her best ever body composition. She has made lots of friends and has well and truly become a key part of the MV/FIT community - she is a pro at telling people to go heavier for us! 

We are incredibly proud of Jess and her accomplishments and are excited to see how much she continues to progress.

Andrew and Katharine, a.k.a. Team Probert

This dream team have been a huge part of the MV / FIT gym community for quite some time now. They're both consistent with their training and have improved their knowledge around nutrition. The result of both of these has meant that they are the strongest, fittest version of themselves along with having their best ever body compositions. 

Katharine has successfully rehabilitated a major shoulder issue post surgery. She has also set multiple personal bests in our in-house fitness challenges, achieving many gold medals such as squat gold! 

Andrew is one of the strongest and fittest 60+ year olds out there. He cycles hundreds of miles cross country, has 11+ medals on our Performance Standards board with multiple personal bests including 100+kg deadlifts and 25kg each side dumbbell bench presses. Most importantly, he feels strong and fit within himself.

We are incredibly proud of Katharine and Andrew and are excited to see them continue to progress.

Nicola - Competing in multiple fitness events and races

Prior to joining MV/FIT Nicola was a self-confessed hater of gyms and early mornings. She would find training tedious, struggled to get consistency with it and found she wasn't making progress. She also had an ongoing knee injury that was holding her back. That's all in the past and over the last 18 months Nicola's progress has been life changing. 

Nicola has managed to transform both the way her knee functions and feels. She's now the strongest, fittest version of herself achieving gold in multiple in house fitness challenges. She's competed in multiple fitness events and races - from running cross country trial runs, 50km walks in the Dorset hills and competing one of the toughest fitness challenges in the world, Hyrox. She's improved her knowledge around nutrition on our Nutrition Accelerator course and has become a key part of the MV/FIT 

She's achieved her best ever composition - fitting into pre-kids jeans! 

Christine - Strongest and fittest version of herself

Christine has an incredibly busy work and family life and finding the time to train and put herself first has previously been a challenge. She has also struggled in the past with low energy, higher body fat levels and a lack of strength and muscle mass. Injuries which she has picked up in everyday life have also held her back. 

Over the last few years though she has worked hard to gradually improve her consistency with her training and has also focused on her nutrition and overall lifestyle. She is now at the point where she has achieved some exceptional results!

Christine has reduced her body fat by 5% and increased muscle mass by over 1kg making her the strongest and fittest version of herself. She has also seen real results in improving her nutrition knowledge.

The Nutrition Accelerator has really helped gain consistency with her diet.

Alex - feeling more confident than ever

Alex joined us wanting to target her core strength and build some muscle. She also wanted to feel strong enough to run without the fear of getting injured. In the 14 months she's been with us she's achieved this and so much more. 

Alex is now the strongest she's ever been - lifting huge numbers such as +70kg deadlift, 40kg squats for reps, push-ups for reps, 10kg bench press for reps and so much more. She's improved her knowledge around nutrition - knowing exactly what she needs to fuel her everyday life. She's able to maintain a healthy body composition and is feeling more confident than ever in her everyday clothes. 

Achieved her best ever body composition - her highest level of muscle mass and lowest ever body fat %.

Louise - achieved her best ever body composition

Louise has been training with us for almost five years and during that time she has progressed enormously. From the outside looking in, she already looked in great shape and had a good base level of fitness. But in true Louise fashion she wanted to take it up to the next level! It's amazing the difference that a structured and progressive plan can make and the results she has achieved have been incredible.

Louise has now achieved her lowest ever body fat % and highest level of muscle mass. She is able to maintain a healthy body composition and she is feeling more confident than ever in her everyday clothes. She has also improved her relationship with food & knowledge around nutrition, achieving great results in a more sustainable way and knows exactly what she needs to fuel her everyday life. No more extreme diets! The Nutrition Accelerator has really helped to improve her consistency with her eating.

Louise has gone from asking "where are the little weights" to lifting huge numbers in the gym. 70kg deadlift for reps, chin ups for reps, 12.5kg bench press for reps to name a few!


Ed - Strongest and fittest he's ever been!

Ed has progressed immensely since he started training with us 3.5 years ago. As an incredibly busy senior executive in the IT industry, he wanted to both rehabilitate his knee surgeries and get as strong, lean and fit as he can. Ultimately, Ed wanted to be the best version of himself and get back to playing football.  

Since he joined us Ed has successfully rehabilitated his knee from multiple surgeries - Ed went from pain in almost every lower body exercise to being able to perform squats, lunges and deadlifts (to name a few) pain free! He's back to playing football and he's also achieved his best ever body composition (lowest ever body fat % & highest muscle mass). Through our Nutrition Accelerator course, Ed further reduced his body fat and increased his muscle mass with focused nutrition support, guidance and accountability.

Dropped 6% body fat and doubled his lower body strength going from 60kg to 115kg deadlift.


Glenn - Improved strength, posture, flexibility, overall conditioning and fitness!

Glenn has done incredibly well since he started training with us over three years ago. 

As a busy senior executive, he wanted to increase his overall energy levels, improve his physical fitness and strength and drop some body fat.  Throughout his time with us Glenn has managed to improve so many areas of his health and fitness. His overall strength has improved dramatically (repping 25kg dumbbells each side on the bench presses to name just one of his many strength accomplishments), his posture & flexibility have improved significantly.

Glenn's overall conditioning & fitness levels have reached new heights (he is often top of the MyZone leaderboard & he won our last Coaches Challenge!).  With the help of the Nutrition Accelerator he has also dropped a significant amount of body fat. 

Deadlift increased from 45kg to 100kg. Squat weight increased from 40kg to 80kg.


Toni - 13% Body Fat Down!!

Toni has done incredibly well since she started training with us precisely two years ago. As a busy mum and orthopaedic surgeon, she wanted to work on her overall fitness and strength, all whilst dropping body fat. Ultimately, she wanted greater energy to chase her kids around and to perform at her best.

What we can say is Toni has accomplished her goals and then some! She reduced her body fat by over 13% and is now at her lowest ever body fat and feels more confident and energised; she has strengthened her whole body and improved her overall fitness breaking personal bests and banishing her back ache for good; and most importantly, she can now successfully run rings around her kids!

13% Body Fat down : Running for 30-40 minutes from not running!


Emily - Strong, Lean and 6% Body Fat down!

We are so pleased for Emily who came to us after feeling tired most of the time. She had joined gyms before but never really used them. 

With her wedding coming up she came to us and she's done incredibly well (and looked incredible on her wedding day too!).

Deadlift strength increased from 12kg - 45kg : Bodyfat dropped by 6% Nov-June


Will - Road To First Chin Up!

We joke about the fact that Will's wife Cate dragged him in here - it's true! Will wanted to increase his strength and fitness and shape up a bit but didn't like the atmosphere of large intimidating gyms.

Fast forward and he's progressed his strength massively to make his first chin up (despite an old rotator cuff injury) and gained gold standard for SkiErg and Bike Erg in our performance challenges.

Deadlift increased from 25kg to 55kg: Floor press from 8kg to 15kg


Rachel - I feel more Rachel. I feel much more me!

Rachel had recently moved to the area and was yet to find a close knit community that celebrates personal achievements. One of her friends recommended she give us a try.

Fast forward 6 months later; She's a leading light as part of our 6am crew. There's so much more to this story which I can't put in word here, so click the video and hear it for yourself!

Gold standard in Push Ups : Deadlift increased to 80kg from 40kg


Nick - Mentally and Physically Aligned

Having trained more and more cyclists there's lots of people out there who feel this; loving life when cycling or when lacing up the running shoes for a long run. But as soon as it comes to real life stuff like shifting logs in the garden at the weekend or kicking a football about with the kids...the body says forget it!

Although there's massive performance benefits using strength training for cycling, Nick really saw the differences 'off the bike' he's got a great story so click the video to find out.

Back squat increased from 35kg to 80kg : Achieved 7 body weight chin Ups 


Barbara - Improved strength, motivation and mental health

We love Barbara! She likes to joke about the fact she's an 'OAP' but she's the complete opposite when it comes to her strength, fitness and overall health! Her determination and mindset is key to her achieving so much and a great example of this is when she out lasted Phil in the freezing cold waters in our 'chilly dip' excursion back in January.

She's a great inspiration for so many who feel like they are past the point of life where they can make a start with strength-for-life. Read below for her great results.

Doubled Dumbell press from 5kg to 10kg  :  Deadlift from 16kg to 50kg


Stephen - I've kept off the inevitable surgery!

Trusting MV/FIT to look after his physical health for over 8yrs now Stephen is definitely one of the most consistent members we have.

As the title suggests keeping his knee health in check, in order to still chase round his kids (who are all well into their 20s!) especially on mountain bikes or Skii's or is such a massive life priority.  Click the video to find out so much more about Stephen's journey.

Lost 3% body fat over a recent 2 month push :  Gold standard squat @ 85kg from 30kg start


James - I've put on some muscle!

James story is a brilliant reminder that great results can be achieved no matter how 'little' time we seem to have. Dividing time between his work, young family, training and all the other pieces of life in between is a constant juggling act.

James has managed to achieve what he has by keeping things simple (do-able) and focusing on both the training consistency with the coaching expertise. To drop bodyfat, increase muscle, get stronger and fitter is a home run. Here's some specifics:

1.4kg of Muscle on and 1.5% Body fat down (9 week period) : Back squat - 65kg to 105kg


Our Nutrition Accelerator Course

Our Nutrition Accelerator course runs three times a year at New Year, Pre-Summer and Back to School in six week blocks. 

We run you through a sustainable and results based approach to improve your nutrition from the ground up. 

We deliver an in-depth seminar which covers the science behind fat loss, nutrition tracking methods and how to get started. 

We support you through the six weeks and have seen some incredible results from all our members who have taken part in the Accelerator so far.